Three Things I did to Stop Drowning and Start Flourishing and a FREE e-Guide

Sarah Boots

March 4, 2024

Getting started on a journey is always a lot of work—a lot of planning, a lot of preparing, packing bags, checking maps, and finally getting on the road. This e-guide is just getting you started. We’ll get to all the fun stuff once we’re on the road; but right now, we need to make sure our foundation is solid…our planning done, our prepping finished, our bags packed, so that we can have as smooth a journey as possible when it’s time to talk practicalities. Buckle up! It’s going to be quite a ride!

The THREE things I did to get started on this journey of flourishing?

Where there is no vision the people perish. When marriages don’t have a vision, they die. When parents don’t have a vision for their children, they are left floundering. When I have no purpose for my day to day, I am BORED OUT IF MY BRAINS! (Sound familiar?) The awesome thing is, we don’t have to hem and haw about what we’re supposed to do. If you’re saved, God’s already got a vision for you! Get in the Word! Catch God’s vision for your family.

Everyone has priorities. The way you use your time will tell you what your priorities are, but that could look different from what your priorities SHOULD be. This month, we will think through our top 5 priorities and decided which FEW things we can (and should) be committed to.

Mindsets can make or break people…they can also make or break marriages, children, homes…fill in the blank. Your mindset can hinder you and can even hurt others! Is your thinking right?

Your free Getting Started E-guide will guide you through the first two points. Simply click on the picture or on THIS LINK HERE to grab yours!

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