How to Get a Vision for Your Life

Sarah Boots

March 7, 2024

When marriages don’t have a vision, they die. When parents don’t have a vision for their children, they are malnourished. When churches don’t have a vision, they peter out.

God has a vision for His people!

Not too many years ago, I was wandering around my house wondering what on earth I was doing with my life. I felt empty, useless, hopeless, bored with no vitality or zeal for life. While health did play a huge role in my thought patterns, I also realized that I had absolutely no vision for my stay-at-home mom life. Am I surprised about how I was feeling? I shouldn’t be, because Proverbs 29:18 tells us where there is no vision the people perish! Without vision, people die—they are lifeless. If there’s no vision for your marriage, it’s going to die. If there’s no vision for your family, it will be lifeless. If there’s no vision for your life, it will feel pointless.

Do you get the picture? If you’ve been wandering around your house for the last several years staying busy, but never really accomplishing anything, it’s time to get a big-picture vision for your life.

Are you a wife? God has a beautiful plan for marriage in His Word. It’s time to catch that vision. Are you a mom? He also has a special plan for those children of yours. It’s time to take a deep dive into Scripture and get ahold of His vision for your children. Are you a homemaker? There are some pretty awesome
things that can be accomplished through your home if you take a peek into the Bible and see what ideas God has for you.

If you’re lacking vision this year, dig into God’s Word. It won’t be long before you catch a vision for every aspect of your life!

“Don’t live a life out of motivation, but live a life out of commitment.”


The saying goes, “Don’t live a life out of motivation, but live a life out of commitment.”

You see, once you catch a big-picture vision for where you want to go, whether in marriage or parenting or health, you can start living a life of COMMITMENT to that vision.

We don’t read the Bible every day to our children because we “feel” like it, we do it because we are committed to discipling our children.

We don’t cook dinner every night because we have loads of motivation, but because we are committed to feed our family a healthy home-cooked meal on a budget.

We love our husbands well, not because we always “feel” like it, but because we are committed to having a thriving marriage.

You get the picture.

And guess what?!

Once you start doing things because you’re committed to getting them done, the motivation will follow!

I have a great list of “vision verses” to help you catch a vision for your life in the FREE GETTING STARTED E-GUIDE. Grab yours here!

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