How to Use 1 Corinthians 13 to Countdown to Valentine’s Day (and free printable guide)

Sarah Boots

February 1, 2022

(Scroll to the bottom to get your free Printable Guide!)

E loves the Christmas advent countdown SO MUCH every year, I decided I wanted to incorporate something similar into other things throughout our year. Our first opportunity was a countdown to Valentine’s Day. I immediately looked up 1 Corinthians 13 because I thought breaking down that passage would be a perfect way to “countdown” to the holiday of love. And lo and behold, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 breaks down perfectly in 14 parts!

I thought this would be perfect for E, especially since she can really struggle in the “how we should treat others” department. The crazy thing is, I excitedly got this all ready for her, but as we have been studying through exactly what charity is, God is just striking me square in the head. Apparently, I needed this study more than her!

What to teach your kiddos:

Charity means love and benevolence. (Kindness)

Charity Suffereth Long… (February 1st)

To LOVE is to be patient with someone even when they hurt or wrong you. It means to be satisfied even when things don’t go your way.

And is Kind… (February 2nd)

To LOVE is to be useful to others and to try to make people around you happy. Look for opportunities to lend a helping hand and to be a blessing. Pay attention to others’ wants and needs.

Charity Envieth Not… (February 3rd)

To LOVE is not to be discontent at the sight of happiness enjoyed by another. It is to not fret that someone is better than you and hate him for it. It is to not desire to see a person hurting or take pleasure in seeing someone in trouble. It is to not get upset that someone has obtained something that I really wanted. It is to be happy for someone when something good happens to them, rather than upset because it didn’t happen to us.

Charity Vaunteth not Itself, is not Puffed Up… (February 4th)

To LOVE is not to boast or brag. It is to not be inflated with vanity or to have a high opinion of yourself with contempt for others. God says he hates even a proud look! (Proverbs 6:16-17)

Doth not Behave Itself Unseemly… (February 5th)

To LOVE is to not use improper words or do indecent actions; it is to not be rude. Unseemly means “not fit or becoming; indecent.”

Seeketh not Her Own… (February 6th)

To LOVE is to put others before yourself. It is not to think only of your own interests, especially when it hurts or neglects another. Selfishness is an utter enemy of love.

Is not Easily Provoked… (February 7th)

To LOVE is to not easily get angry or blow up when someone treats you wrongly. The Bible teaches us that anger rests in the bosom of fools! (Ecclesiastes 7:9)

Thinketh no Evil… (February 8th)

To LOVE is to not think of the wrongs done to you by another. It means to forgive, as God has forgiven you, and to forget any wrong done to you. Don’t hold a grudge!

Rejoiceth not in Iniquity, but Rejoiceth in the Truth… (February 9th)

To LOVE is to be grieved at the corruption of our hearts and at the wickedness and immorality of the world. And to take joy in seeing truth, righteousness and justice prevail.

Beareth all Things… (February 10th)

To LOVE means to protect rather than attack, to cover rather than to expose. Because we love, we cover over what we do not “like” in another person. Instead, you defend their reputation and character within the limits of truth. Give up any desire for revenge or justice.

Believeth all Things… (February 11th)

To LOVE means to assume the best about someone until the facts prove you wrong; always be ready to give the benefit of the doubt; don’t be suspicious without a cause.

Hopeth all Things… (February 12th)

To LOVE means to not despair in someone’s failure, but to know that failure is not final. Hope for the best in all men. Ultimately hope in God…He is the one who changes hearts.

Endureth all Things… (February 13th)

To LOVE is to patiently sustain the assault of your enemy…this is not referring to petty annoyances, but specifically suffering and persecution.

Charity Never Faileth (February 14th)

Love cannot fail. It doesn’t fail because GOD IS LOVE. To Love like this–the 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love–is to have GOD LOVING OTHERS THROUGH US. In order to have this kind of love, we must be filled with His Spirit. We are just a channel for HIS love.

When left to ourselves, we don’t show love consistently. We yell at the kids, we blow up when a car cuts us off, we criticize our husbands because he left his clothes on the floor yet again, we fume when churches are being forced to close their doors due to “safety concerns.”

How Can We Possibly Love Them When They Treat Us Like This!?

Here’s the answer…we can’t.


Let his beautiful, glorious, wonderful, unfathomable, incomprehensible love fill your heart and, WITHOUT FAIL, it will overflow and bubble over and pour out to everyone who comes in contact with you…because it’s not you…IT’S HIM!

Get your free printable guide here!

More Resources:

To do a more in-depth study of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, check out this Bible Study.

To purchase our 1 Corinthian’s 13 Valentine’s Countdown calendar, visit Kristen’s Etsy Shop.

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