Repentance, A Matter of the Heart: Salvation Series (Part 4)

Sarah Boots

August 17, 2023

If you missed the earlier posts included in the Salvation Series, find them here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Also, find the free gospel for children printable here.

The key that so often gets overlooked with children is true heart-changing repentance. Let me just say here, that I didn’t realize until recently that there was such controversy over what repentance actually is. Are we repenting from the sin of unbelief, or are we repenting from all of our sins? Is repentance actually required for salvation at all? Isn’t it a “work” that you have to do to get saved? I thought salvation was not by works?

If you are struggling with this, I would urge you to pick up your Bible and do a simple word study on repentance asking God to show you His heart on the subject so that you can lead your children correctly.

Repentance IS required for salvation. Here are a few verses to get you started: Mark 1:15, 2 Corinthians 7:10, Acts 3:19, Matthew 3:8, Matthew 4:17

Repentance is a work that GOD does in your heart. He takes that old man and makes him new! He takes that dead flesh and makes it alive! He takes that blind man and makes him see!

The Greek word used for repentance in the New Testament is μετάνοια or “metanoia.” It is used 24 times in the New Testament, and makes for a fascinating study! Strong’s defines it as “compunction (for guilt, including reformation); by implication reversal (of decision).” Notice those words—reformation and reversal. There is a change.

It is so common for kids who grow up in Christian homes to make a profession 2, 3, even 4 times before they actually get saved “for real.” Oh they believe, but they haven’t repented. Just like the Pharisees in the New Testament.

Our children KNOW they need to be saved, but something is still missing. They have head salvation, (even the devils believed and trembled), but not heart salvation.

So the question is, what do we as parents do then when they come to us about wanting to get saved, but the repentance is not there?

If a child does not make a profession the first time he ever talks to someone about salvation, he will come over and over and over again because he is always hearing about “getting saved” at church and at home hopefully. And, of course, he’s going to want to get saved. No one WANTS to go to hell. And it can be so confusing for us as parents because we also want them to get saved so badly, but at the same time how do we know when they are ready?! We don’t want to push them into a false profession of faith, but we also don’t want them to wait too long.

Uuugh! What to do?! That is such a hard place to be! It’s where we were for many years as well. But God answered the question for us, and watching how God works is just so miraculous and awesome!

Several years ago, I ordered the book “For Instruction in Righteousness.” It is a fantastic resource, and I would highly recommend you getting it. (More on this in another blog post.) When I first opened it, I glanced at the very first page, and I read the words from 2 Timothy 3:15 which I have read a hundred times before, but they never held such meaning as they did that day. The words smote my heart, and I knew exactly what I needed to do to lead my daughter to the point of repentance. It was like handwriting on the wall. It was so clear!

2 Timothy 3:15 says And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation…

“From a child.” It starts early! And scriptures weren’t just placed in Timothy’s lap! His father was Greek, perhaps an unbeliever! Who did the work of helping this child to KNOW the scriptures so well? And what was the result of him knowing those Scriptures?

I had some lessons to learn! It has to be ALL GOD. The Holy Scriptures will make my child wise unto salvation! So I have a responsiblity to do whatever I can to get God’s Word into my child’s heart!

The more meditated on this thought, the more I kept coming across more and more passages just like it…

“ALL SCRIPTURE… is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness.”

— 2 Tim 3:16

“By mercy and TRUTH iniquity is purged…”

— Proverbs 16:6

“How shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to THY WORD.”

— Psalm 119:9

“THY WORD have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

— Psalm 119:11

“The LAW OF GOD is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.”

— Psalm 37:31

“The WORD OF GOD is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…it’s a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

— Hebrews 4:12

We have a Responsiblity to Permeate Our Children’s Lives with Scripture

The word of God is POWERFUL, and God impressed upon my heart over and over, “It’s not you, it’s me. Let ME do the work. You have a responsiblity to pour Scripture into her, but let me work on her heart through MY WORDS.” The only answer I could get to the question, “How can she get saved Lord? She believes on you, but she’s lacking the heart change. How Lord?” And my answer from Him…fill her life with the Bible.

And so that’s what we started doing.

I know there are many different ways families do this, but what is so key is giving the children STRAIGHT BIBLE. Bible story books are great! They are so important! But Bible story books are not God’s inspired words. I hope you understand what I’m saying. Don’t throw out the Bible storybooks, but make sure you are giving children scripture straight from God’s Word as well. HIS WORD is what is going to change their hearts.

Next week, we’ll look at a few ideas for how we can permeate our children’s lives with Scripture to prayerfully bring them to a place of repentance.

Praying that this is helpful to you as you navigate leading your little ones to Christ. I’m looking forward to sharing more again next week.


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