Ultimate List of Resources to Teach Your Kids Manners and Etiquette

Sarah Boots

January 22, 2022

Oh my word! Children certainly lack manners, don’t they?! I remember one time my daughter belched like a man in front of a group of people, and it was both hilarious and extremely embarrassing at the same time, but certainly not ladylike. And then of course, the time when we went over to someone’s house for dinner, and she would NOT eat the food because it was “yucky.” Did she taste it? No, she just decided it was gross. And then the multiple times when you’re trying to carry on a conversation with another adult, and get talked right over by a three year old. Or the time when she slugged her cousin because she was angry. I know you get it.

Y’all children don’t come into this world with manners! Manners ultimately is thinking of others, and we certainly know the opposite is true of little ones. Kids have to learn manners somewhere, and it’s not going to happen unless we teach them.

“Manners ultimately is thinking of others.”


Now I don’t know about you, but I am a firm believer that more is caught than taught. However, a little extra help here and there is so worth it, and that is where these books come in.

The following is a list of resources we are using to help us through this “manners battle.” You will find books for both children and, at the request of a reader, teenage girls. I don’t have any suggestions for teenage boys right now, but feel free to leave suggestions and I can edit this post in the future to include those too!

For Children

1. My Little Golden Book of Manners by Peggy Parish

This is one of my favorite books for young ages. I would say it is perfect for ages 4-8. It may even be great for ages 2-3 too if you skim over the words and let them look at the pictures.

The illustrations are fantastic! My parents used this with me as a child, and going back over the illustrations with E brought back a flood of memories. This book is one that has stuck with me my whole life BECAUSE OF THE PICTURES!

Unfortunately, this one is out of print, so you have to do some searching in order to find it. Keep your eyes peeled at thrift stores and antique stores. I have also seen it online at secondhand sites such as Thriftbooks and Ebay. If these place “run out,” be sure to google it!

2. Keys to Family Manners: Manners for a Month

This is a simple little flip book that has a manner for every day of the month. This one is perfect for all ages…even toddlers. We use this one for when we want to take a set time and specifically focus on this topic. It’s great for family Bible time. This one also went out of print (Uggh! They’re all out of print!), but thankfully, the church I grew up at still prints them. At only $3, you’ll definitely get MORE than your money’s worth out of this one.

3. Everyday Graces: A Child’s Book of Good Manners by Karen Santorum

I love this book! It’s great for kids who are ready to listen to read-alouds without pictures (ages 5+). It reminds me of the Book of Virtues (also excellent for children) with short stories and poems to get across important points. Here are some of the topics this book covers: how to treat members of your family, using words wisely, table manners, washing and dressing, caring for the sick, elderly, and people with disabilities, getting along with others, good sportsmanship, kindness toward animals, and respecting our country. It’s a great book all around!

For a closer look at these resources, you can find videos of them in the highlight bubbles on my Instagram page. Search for “Manners4Kids.”

for Young Men

1. The Twenty-one Tenets of Biblical Masculinity by Jerry Ross

Pastor Jerry Ross is a favorite author and shares great scriptural advice through his many works. Although I don’t have any boys of my own, I know this book will be a keeper for parents of young men.

2. The Teenage Years of Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Pattern for Teenagers Today by Jerry Ross

What better person to emulate as a teenager than Jesus Christ Himself!

for Teenage Girls

1. Beautiful Girlhood revised by Karen Andreola

I read this book as a teenager and loved it! It went out of print long ago, and was revised and published again by a compelling and trustworthy Christian author, Karen Andreola. (Author of a favorite motherhood book I’ve mentioned many times, “Mother Culture.”) Here is a description from Christianbook.com: first penned decades ago, this classic primer for becoming ladylike has been gently edited and improved with today’s conservative Christian girls in mind—though the elegant prose and timeless morals remain the same. Preteens will learn about friendship, modesty, honesty, ambition, and much more.

2. Altogether Lovely by Charlene Johnson

(Where I first got my idea for my brand name!!!!)

This book is an oldie, but a goodie. I read this as an adult, and it still had so many good reminders. Once again, it is sadly out of print, but if you google the title and author, you might be able to snag it used. If you can find one, it’s definitely worth having. Here is an idea of the table of contents: Personality and Popularity, Diet and Exercise, Standing, Walking and Sitting, Hair, Skin Care, Make-up and Good Grooming, Your Wardrobe, Teen Etiquette, Dating, Marriage Preparation, Parents Are People, Your Future and You. As you can tell, this one is specifically geared toward teenage girls.

3. Raising Maidens of Virtue by Stacy McDonald

This one is set-up as a study to do along with your daughters. It is excellent. My daughter isn’t old enough to do this together yet, but I’ve read it through a couple of times just for my own benefit, and it’s filled with little gems.

4. The 21 Tenets of Biblical Femininity by Jerry and Sheryl Ross

I have not personally read this book, but it came highly recommended by several of you. In fact, one person said they are working through this with their teen girls at church and everyone was loving it. To make it clear, I don’t like to just go recommending books I haven’t read, but I am familiar with this author. He is biblically sound, and I trust his writing.

Again, for a closer look at these books, please look for “Books4TeenGirls” in my highlights on my Instagram page.

For further reading for teenage girls…

1. Stay in the Castle by Jerry Ross

This story had an impact on me as a teenager, and I’m sure it will do the same for your girls. It is an inexpensive pamphlet, but you can listen to it for free on YouTube. Also, read the sequels The Warrior Prince and The Chosen One.

2. Letters on Loveliness by Charlene Johnson

Another out of print gem written by the same author as Altogether Lovely. You may have to do some searching to find it.


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