A Christian Woman’s Guide to Health and Hormones

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(3 customer reviews)

You can feel good. Did you know that? Our society has us trained to think that terrible cycles and PMS, afternoon slumps and no appetite until the afternoon is NORMAL. But that’s not the way God created our bodies! It’s NOT NORMAL! There is a better, healthier life on the other side of understanding how God’s creation all works together! Once you grasp this understanding, you will be left not only feeling so much better, but also in awe of God your Creator who has designed everything so perfectly down to the tiniest cell. In this e-guide you’ll find 89 pages of practical things to help you get and stay healthy. This is your How-to. There is so much packed in here for your health and well-being and I can’t wait for you to get started!


You can feel good. Did you know that? Our society has us trained to think that terrible cycles and PMS, afternoon slumps and no appetite until the afternoon is NORMAL. But that’s not the way God created our bodies! It’s NOT NORMAL! There is a better, healthier life on the other side of understanding how God’s creation all works together! Once you grasp this understanding, you will be left not only feeling so much better, but also in awe of God your Creator who has designed everything so perfectly down to the tiniest cell. In this e-guide you’ll find 89 pages of practical things to help you get and stay healthy. This is your How-to. There is so much packed in here for your health and well-being and I can’t wait for you to get started!

3 reviews for A Christian Woman’s Guide to Health and Hormones

  1. Kyla W.

    Wow!!! I had already learned quite a bit from Sarah about all of this on her Instagram and had seen some positive results from things I have implemented, but I learned sooooo much more from this resource! I love how she points us to our loving Creator Who designed all of this to be simple for us! An added bonus was that, while I have always struggled to read ebooks, the way Sarah writes and the variety of the way the pages are laid out really helped me focus and get through the book quickly! Such a breath of fresh air! I am eager to take things to the next level from all I learned! Thank you for such an awesome resource, Sarah!

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      Sarah Boots

      So glad you loved this Kyla. I hope you see some amazing results as you implement things in the next few months. And thank you for the review!

  2. Brettnay Brazzell

    WOW! Just WOW! Sarah has put together an INCREDIBLE resource! Sarah does a fantastic job of taking complicated, “sciency” things and presenting them in a way that is so easy to understand. Her information is very thorough and well-researched. I apprecaited the depth that she went to in explaining each thing in a practical way. Above all, she highlights our great Creator. Even in delving into a topic like women’s hormones, we see God’s intricate design and unending love. It was a blessing to see a resource that couples health with God’s intent for humankind. I cannot recommend this eGuide enough! It will be a resource I turn to again and again for my own health, as well as I’ll use when I begin guiding my daughters into womanhood. Every woman should know and understand God’s beautiful plan for her body, health, and hormones.

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      Sarah Boots

      Thank you Brettnay. I have been so excited to teach my own daughter these things as well. Being a woman is an incredible gift! I want her, and everyone who reads this, to know that!

  3. Samantha (verified owner)

    A wonderful, understandable guide for a woman to implement simple changes to support healthy hormones. The most inexpensive health plan out there that has given me results. If you struggle to sleep well, have low energy, or have rough periods/PMS try out these wonderful things God created for us to utilize for our health. With Sarah’s guide I finally understand what leptin is. I’ve seen it referred to a lot in the circadian world but never could quite grasp what it was. I hope with my knowledge I can now help my girls and anyone who will listen 🙂 avoid the years of health struggles I have gone through. Sarah has been so helpful and been the catalyst for positive changes in my health. So thankful she is willing to put herself out there to share and teach us. God bless!

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      Sarah Boots

      Ahh!!! Thank you so much Samantha. I’m so glad you are seeing positive changes in your health. We’ve chatted a lot about health on IG through pro-metabolic and everything else, so it’s so nice to see something working for you!

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